Sunday, July 26, 2009

We can leave our friends behind...

Oh holy crap, I am sore and tired.

Clubbing last night... beautiful. I haven't had that much fun out dancing in such a long time. By the time the club closed, my clothes were soaked, a second skin, my hair pulled up, pulled back, trying to get off my face and neck in this crappy weather.

I was good. I'm always good, but I was good last night. Even with the heat, even with the humidity, even with idiots on the dance floor, I was having a blast moving with the music.

Several friends ended up being there, along with my only one-night stand from the club circuit, which was last Novemember. He's still trying to get a repeat, still asking me back to his place. Invites were tossed out, and I ended up at the usual post-club place: Fred 62's. was nice. I haven't been out clubbing in a month or two, so it was good to go get my groove on, to be by myself. To know that I continue to be in the top 5% of dancers in this particular scene. Step away for two months, come back, slide right onto the dancefloor like I was there yesterday.

Good times.

And now I have a "True Blood" marathon to attend.

This week in pictures:

July 26th 09 Week

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